
Showing posts from November, 2022

Op shops

 I had a day out in the sun and then in the afternoon going out to a few different op shops with the girls. There were lots of cool bargains but I was happy browsing. I ran into a friend that I haven’t seen for awhile so it was good having a quick catch up with her too. 


 I love being able to hang out with all my mates at Wilrose and can’t wait for the Christmas party on December 16! Today we picked what pizza flavour we want

Measuring tunnel house

 This week I got out in the garden in gum boots and helped to do some measuring for the tunnel house. Then I was secret Santa and helped to buy some Christmas prezzies for the clients.


 I enjoyed getting back to the centre this week to catch up with my friends. We ended the day singing lots of fun songs and dancing together. It was a great way to end my week! 

Matapihi bridge walk and lunch

 I went for a nice walk across the Matapihi bridge with my friends. It was really windy some of the way. Then we enjoy lunch together at cafe on 16th. I had a bacon and egg pie it was my favourite.