
Sand Dunes

 This week our Discovery group went to Papamoa beach to help plant sand dunes. I helped dig holes, plant the fertilised dune seeds and refill the holes with sand. 

Discovery group

 My Discovery group helped out in our community by paying it forward with acts of service. We collected fresh lettuce's from the merivale community garden, washed them and then dropped them off to the foodbank all ready for people in our community to enjoy. 

Carmichael Reserve

 I had a fun morning out with my friends, enjoying the sunshine, feeding the birds, playing on the playground and walking the loop track at Carmichael reserve. 

Matariki Disco

 I had a fabulous day dancing with my friends. I enjoyed a yummy hot lunch of Hangi and boil up. 

Twinkl ~ Matariki stars

 In Twinkl today we decorated stars for our Hangi disco day decorations. We also dressed our Wilrose mascot “Pricilla” up in a Matariki theme for our disco hangi day. 

Supply shopping

Had a busy day today out with my friends getting supplies for the centre, we each helped take turns pushing the trolley, counting verges, and marking off the shopping list, it was a lot of fun   

Beautiful photo's of ME

 I stayed at home this week but thought i would share a beautiful photo of me from when i went to Carmichael reserve to feed the birds and play on the playground.